
Hardening Tomcat version 7.0

Hardening Tomcat version 7.0.56 1) Disable not-needed services using chkconfig command as part of Operating System Hardening. 2) Install latest stable release of Java 3) Remove all contents is Webapps directory Set CATALINA_HOME variable first before executing below commands #CATALINA_HOME="/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.56" #rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/docs #rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/examples #rm –rf $CATALINA_HOME/server/webapps/host-manager #rm –rf $CATALINA_HOME/server/webapps/manager #rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/host-manager.xml #rm –rf $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/manager.xml 4) Run tomcat from Non-privileged account.  Add user tomcat_admin and group tomcat. # groupadd tomcat; useradd -r tomcat_admin -G tomcat;. 5) Set below owner, group and others permission on Tomcat directories chown tomcat_admin:tomcat $CATALINA_HOME chmod g-w,o-rwx $CATALINA_HOME chown tomcat_admin:tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/conf ...

Virtual Box - Failed to open a session for the virtual machine

I have Oracle Virtual Box version 4.3.12 running multiple operating systems. One fine day I was saving my Virtual Machine state and somehow it hanged after 100% as System was quite overloaded with different running programs. I had to do a hard reboot by pressing power button long enough. After restart, when I tried to power on the VM, it gave me below error, which says "Failed to open a session for the virtual machine" with RESULT CODE: E_FAIL (0x80004005) Component: SessionMachine Interface: ISession {12f4dcdb-12b2-4ec1-b7cd-ddd9f6c5bf4d}. I searched for this error on Virtual Box forums and was not able to get the solution straight forward. I ran below command to find some details about my VM. C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox> VBoxManage showvminfo <Your_VM_Name> --details In my case, it was TestMc. In the output, last lines suggested to delete the saved state file in Snapshots directory and try to start the VM again. So I went to the Snapshots dire...

Configuring Virtual Machines in same network as Host in RHEL 6.x /CentOS 6.x (Bonding and Bridging)

This post is written assuming that you already are running Virtual Machines using KVM on RHEL 6.x/CentOS 6.x. Objective: To bring virtual machines, say vm01 and vm02 hosted on a Server, MyServer with two interfaces eth0 and eth1 on the same network as MyServer. Suppose MyServer's IP address is 10.x.y.a. I want my Virtual Machines to have IP addresses 10.x.y.b and 10.x.y.c. so that I will be able to access them from any machine from the same network as they are physcial machines. This way we will be able to access them over web if required. How To: First of all we need to do bonding of eth0 and eth1 of the MyServer so that they can be accessed through bond0 interface which is going to be connected to bridge br0 later. # vi /etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf add below line in the newly created file: alias bond0 bonding # vi /etc/sysconfig/network add below two lines: NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=MyServer # vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Change your configur...

An Incomplete Post...

Humans tend to forget that before being from any religion, they need to essentially be "HUMAN". There is no religion for animals, is there any? Religion is "set of daily practices" which was aimed at peaceful, healthy and prosperous life with an ideal, livable society with tendency to help each other. Let's stop getting fooled from all political parties who ask votes based on caste, reservation bills, minority quota, state, language and all other dividing factors. Those who are with development of nation, majorly committed to security of food and education to all below poverty levels.  Saw a video of respected Atal Ji quoting late Rajeev Gandhi, if Rs. 1 is released for aid of poor, only 19 Paise reaches to them, when asked why he told laughingly "Jab rupaiya chalta hai, to ghista hai". Well, remain aware of what's happening in country, and what reforms are needed, have a opinion, your "I do not care" attitude 'll n...


रोशनी से भरा शहर, रफ़्तार में टिन के डिब्बे, ठहरी सी ज़िन्दगी किसी की, जेब में नहीं पैसे... उनकी बेबसी, लोगों की बनावटी "माथे की सिकन", मैं सोच रहा हूँ भरे-पेट, उनका गुजारा होगा कैसे?? - कृष्णा


 मैं था अकेला,                                     Listen to this song... चल रहा था यूँ ही, पा सकूँगा तुम्हे, नहीं था यकीन, मगर कुछ हुआ, पूरी हुयी दुआ, अब ना कोई दूरी, मेरी बाहों में आ। दर्द भुला, होश भुला, याद रखूँ भी क्यूँ ? तुम हो जब करीब, मैं क्यूँ ना... जियूँ? ख्वाब था जो मेरा, प्यार था जो मेरा, अब मेरा हो गया, अब फिकर भी हो क्या? मैं था अकेला, ... पा सकूँगा तुम्हें, ... - कृष्णा पाण्डेय Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Shri Bhaskaracharya Ji

श्री भास्कराचार्य जी हमारे प्राचीन भारत के सुप्रशिद्ध गणितज्ञ एवं खगोलविज्ञानी रहे हैं। उनके जीवन तथा कार्य के बारे में अधिक जानने हेतु शोध करने पर मुझे अपने भारतीय होने पर अत्यंत गर्व हुआ। पाश्चात्य संस्कृति के दुष्प्रभाव से हम अपने बौधिक विरासत से कितने दूर हो चुके है, इसका अनुभव भी हुआ। मेरे पिताजी को उनके विद्यालय में सवा (1.25) का पहाड़ा (tables) सिखाया जाता था, आज हम हर छोटे हिसाब के लिए कैलकुलेटर का प्रयोग करते हैं। मेरे पिताजी को मुझसे अच्छी भौतिकी (physics) आती है, जब की मेरी शिक्षा बचपन से अंगेजी विद्यालय में हुयी। आज हमारे पास अतुल ज्ञान का भंडार है, हर कार्य के लिए यन्त्र (machine) है, परन्तु क्या हमारे पास जीवन का ज्ञान है? एक सवाल हमारी शिक्षा-पद्धति पर?