Install NS 2.35 from source packages on Fedora 16
I assume that the Fedora Installation you have on your system have minimal packages and installed with GNOME desktop. Though it's optional, you can check for existing installation of package, by typing " rpm -qa | grep <pkg_name> ", in our case, i.e. Perl. If not present, I prefer installing Perl binaries from Fedora repository only. To do that (as you are reading my blog here, I assume your system is connected to Internet), type below command: [root@fedora32 ~]# yum install perl This will install Perl-5.14.2-198 . fc16.i686 package and other related Perl packages as per requirement. Also install various dependencies which will come in course of compiling and "configure/make" of required source packages by typing below commands. [root@fedora32 ~]# yum install gcc gcc-g++ [root@fedora32 ~]# yum install libX11-devel [root@fedo...